* PROGRAMME [#w67c80c8]
** [[Table>Programme]] [#v43c0e04]
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** Nov. 28 (Fri) [#u2341270]

Session 1: Mechanical Properties II [Chair: Gilles Tarjus]

- 09:00-09:30 (30 min.)~
''Michael L. Falk'' (University of Michigan, USA)~
[["What does shear banding reveal regarding the structure of amorphous solids?":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/Falk.pdf]]

- 09:30-09:50 (20 min.)~
''Hajime Tanaka'' (University of Tokyo, Japan)~
[["Origin of the boson peak in glass":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/Tanaka.pdf]]

- 09:50-10:10 (20 min.)~
''Fathollah Varnik'' (Max-Planck Institut fur Eisenforschung, Germany)~
[["Response of a driven model glass and the Stokes-Einstein relation":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/Varnik_oral.pdf]]

10:10-10:40 Coffee Break

Session 2: Kinetic Approach II [Chair: Peter Poole]

- 10:40-11:10 (30 min.)~
''Kenneth S. Schweizer'' (University of Illinois, USA)~
[["Activated Hopping, Heterogeneous Dynamics, and Mechanical Response in Glassy Particle  Fluids and Suspensions":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/Schweizer_oral.pdf]]

- 11:10-11:30 (20 min.)~
''Frederic Affouard'' (Universite Lille1, France)~
[["Molecular dynamics of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures: breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/Affouard.pdf]]

- 11:30-11:50 (20 min.)~
''Bongsoo Kim'' (Changwon National University, Korea)~
[["Field theory for interacting Brownian particles: FDR-preservation, irreducible memory function, MCT and beyond":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/BongsooKim.pdf]]

- 11:50-12:10 (20 min.)~
''Patrick Charbonneau'' (Duke University, USA)~
[["Dynamical Heterogeneity in a Glass-Forming Ideal Gas":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/Charbonneau_oral.pdf]]

- 12:10-12:40 (30 min.)~
''Ludovic Berthier'' (Montpellier University, France)~
[["Understanding the glass transition using soft particles":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/abstract/Berthier.pdf]]

12:40-12:50 Closing Remarks [Koji Fukao, Co-Chair]

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