#author("2018-10-03T01:26:27+09:00","default:mss","mss") #author("2018-10-13T22:03:52+09:00","default:mss","mss") ** Oct 13 (Sat) [#sf359173] > Registration [9:30-] - 10:00-10:05 Opening Addresses by ''Prof. Katsuhisa Tanaka'', Director of FIFC > [Chair: Ryoichi Yamamoto] - 10:05-11:05 ''Dr. Yoshio Nishimoto'' (FIFC, Kyoto University)~ "FMO-DFTB: A Semi-Empirical Quantum Chemical Method Applicable to One-Million-Atom Systems" - 11:05-12:05 ''Dr. John J. Molina'' (Dept. Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University)~ "Mechanosensitivity of Crawling Cells" > Lunch [12:15-13:30] - 13:30-15:00 ''Poster Session'' [ [[LIST>Poster]] ] > [Chair: Shigehiko Hayashi] - 15:00-16:00 ''Dr. Miho Hatanaka'' (Div. Material Science, NAIST)~ "Application of Automated Reaction Path Search: Beyond the Mechanistic Study" - 16:00-17:00 ''Prof. Jun-ya Hasegawa'' (Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University)~ "Computational Chemistry with Constraint Force" > Banquet [17:30-19:00] > Discussion Meeting [17:30-19:00]