RIGHT:SIZE(15){ [ ENGLISH / [[JAPANESE:http://scphys1.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hshiba/Alder50/ja/index.php?PROGRAMME]] ] } #author("2018-06-19T00:44:57+09:00","default:mss","mss") Tentative Program **[Nov.28](Wed.) [#i317037d] 18:00-20:00 Welcome Banquet **[Nov.29](Thu.) [#l87ee65b] 9:00-10:00 Registration &br; 10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks &br; 10:10-12:10 Morning Session &br; 12:10-13:40 Lunch &br; 13:40-15:40 Afternoon Session 1 &br; 15:40-16:00 Coffee Break &br; 16:00-18:00 Afternoon Session 2 &br; 18:00-20:00 Evening Session &br; Snack Dinner & Group Photo & Preview Talk & (Poster) Free Discussion &br; **[Nov.30](Fri.) [#e83123b1] 9:30-9:40 Some Remarks &br; 9:40-11:40 Morning Session &br; 11:40-12:10 B.J. Alder Invited Talk (including Conclusive Talk) &br; 12:10-13:40 Lunch &br; 14:00-18:00 Informal Program &br; 19:00-21:00 Concert &br; &br; &br; * List of Oral Speakers [#i317037d] B.J.Alder(Carfornia) &br; K.Kawasaki(Fukuoka) &br; T.Yuge (Tokyo): Long-time tails of velocity autocorrelation function for interacting particles in disordered systems &br; T.H.Nishino (Kyoto): Anomalous Heat Conduction in a Quasi One-Dimensional Gases &br; H.Shiba (Kyoto): Long-time Tail Problem and Anomalous Transport in 3D Nonlinear Lattices &br; A. Mori (Tokushima): Computer simulation of hard-sphere crystal/melt interface (tentative)* &br; M. Otsuki (Kyoto): Long time tail in sheared particle systems &br; H. Hayakawa (Kyoto): TBA &br; N. Ito (Tokyo): TBA &br; H. Watanabe (Nagoya): TBA &br; T. Shimada (Tokyo): TBA &br; F. Ogushi (Tokyo): TBA &br; B. Kim (IMS): TBA &br; K. Miyazaki (Kochi): TBA &br; Y. Hiwatari (Kanazawa): TBA &br; M. Isobe (Nagoya): TBA &br;