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A Satellite Symposium to celebrate Prof. Kenichi Fukui's 100th birthday


1918: Born in Nara Prefecture
1941: Graduated from Kyoto Imperial University
1943: Lecturer of Kyoto Imperial University
1945: Associate Professor of Kyoto Imperial University
1951: Professor of Kyoto University
1981: Nobel Prize in Chemistry (with Prof. Roald Hoffmann)
1982: Retired from Kyoto University / President of Kyoto Institute of Technology
1988: Head of the FUKUI Institute for Fundamental Chemistry (FIFC)
1998: Passed away



Prof. Kenichi Fukui, a Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry 1981 together with Prof. Roald Hoffmann, was born in Nara prefecture on Oct. 4, 1918. To celebrate Prof. Kenichi Fukui's 100th birthday, we organize FUKUI 2018, a series of memorial events in Kyoto University.

In the Satellite Symposium at FIFC, we wish to highlight the various contributions of FIFC, which was established to succeed and develop Prof. Kenichi Fukui's philosophy on researches whereby we will contribute to the progress of sciences in the world, with inviting a few active scientists from former and the present members of FIFC as lectures. We also would like to invite Poster contributions related to the broad topics in Chemistry and Physics from all over the world to shear this memorial moment.

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