The 2nd international symposium on "Multi-scale Simulations of Biological and Soft Materials" (MSBSM 2011)

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Dynamics of biological and soft materials often exhibits large-scale, ultra-slow time evolution which can easily become several orders larger than typical microscopic length- and time-scales. Hence, effective simulation methods for bridging between different length- and time-scales are strongly desired.

The 2nd international symposium on "Multi-scale Simulations of Biological and Soft Materials" will be held in Kyoto on September 10-12, 2011. Many aspects of multi-scale simulations will be discussed at this symposium specially on biological and soft materials. The topical themes include computational methods for intermolecular forces, computational modelings for fluids and soft materials, coarse-graining methods, hybrid methods of micro/meso/macro simulations, non-equilibrium simulations, etc.



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