* Brown運動のシミュレーション [#m5769370]

** Langevin方程式の数値解法 [#o72ff680]

** ランダム力の積分 [#xe4b06d8]

** Brown運動する自由粒子のシミュレーション&動画表示 [#oca03ea3]

 % matplotlib nbagg
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
 import matplotlib.animation as animation

 dim  = 3
 nump = 1000
 nums = 1024
 box  = 10
 dt   = 0.05
 zeta = 1.0
 m    = 1.0
 kBT  = 1.0
 std  = np.sqrt(2*kBT*zeta*dt)
 R = np.zeros([dim,nump])
 V = np.zeros([dim,nump])
 F = np.zeros([dim,nump])
 Rs= np.zeros([dim,nump,nums])
 Vs= np.zeros([dim,nump,nums])
 Fs= np.zeros([dim,nump,nums])
 time = np.zeros([nums])
 omega= np.zeros([nums])

 # First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5,7.5))
 ax = plt.axes(xlim=(-box/2,box/2),ylim=(-box/2,box/2))
 particles, = ax.plot([], [], 'ro', ms=10)
 title = ax.text(0.7, 1.05, '', transform = ax.transAxes, va='center')
 def init():
     particles.set_data([], [])
     return particles,title
 def animate(i):
     global R,V,F,Rs,Vs,Fs,time
     F = std*np.random.randn(dim,nump)
     V = V*(1-zeta/m*dt)+F/m
     R = R + V*dt
     particles.set_data(R[0,0:nump], R[1,0:nump])
     title.set_text("t = "+str(i*dt))
     return particles, title
 anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                                frames=nums, interval=5, blit=False, repeat=False)

** 保存された種々のデータ(A(t), B(t), ...)を時刻(t)の関数としてプロット [#ccc9f4ef]

 # particle positions vs time
 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5,7.5))
 for n in range(nump):
     ax.plot(Rs[0,n,0:nums],time,'r', alpha=0.05)
     ax.plot(Rs[1,n,0:nums],time,'b', alpha=0.05)
     ax.plot(Rs[2,n,0:nums],time,'g', alpha=0.05)

** 宿題 [#j7077cb3]