
* Special Seminar in Chemical Engineering 2  [#a22913b8]

** Basic Information [#hcdee4a2]

- [[Syllabus:https://www.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/teacher/g/t/syllabus/detail?no=9989&display_lang=en]]
- Class Room: Katsura Campus: A-Cluster A2-305
- Teachers
-- Part 1 (Week 0 - 6): Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto [yamamoto.ryoichi.6m@kyoto-u.ac.jp]
-- Part 2 (Week 7 - 13): Assoc. Prof. Takashi Taniguchi []

** Course Schedule [#qa85e554]

*** Part 1 (Week 0 - 6): Self-paced Learning on MOOC (Wherever/Whenever you like) [#ifde951f]

- Oct. 01 16:30-18:00 General Guidance (A2-305)
- Oct. 15 16:30-18:00 Office Hour (A4-118/115)
- Oct. 29 16:30-18:00 Office Hour (A4-118/115)
- Nov. 19 16:30-18:00 Office Hour (A4-118/115)

*** Part 2 (Week 7 - 13): Lectures (A2-305) [#d45502be]

- Nov. 26 16:30-18:00
- Dec. 03 16:30-18:00
- Dec. 10 16:30-18:00
- Dec. 17 16:30-18:00
- Dec. 24 16:30-18:00
- Jan. 07 16:30-18:00 
- Jan. 21 16:30-18:00

** Course Description [#ve6cf305]

*** Part 1 [#ca71e3b2]

- Computer Setup
-- You may use our own PC [Windows/Linux/Mac] or [[PC Terminal Service:http://www.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/services/ecs/terminal/]] of Kyoto University.
-- Install Anaconda if you use your own PC. [https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/]
-- Install [[Anaconda with Python3.*:https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/]] if you use your own PC.
-- You may download the latest course materials from [[Giuhub:https://github.com/ryo0921/KyotoUx-009x]]

- EdX Setup
-- Register for [[KyotoUx:https://www.edx.org/school/kyotoux]]
-- Enroll in [[009x:Stochastic Processes: Data Analysis and Computer Simulation:https://www.edx.org/course/stochastic-processes-data-analysis-kyotoux-009x]]
-- Send your Account Name by email to yamamoto.ryoichi.6m@kyoto-u.ac.jp
-- Follow [[009x:Stochastic Processes: Data Analysis and Computer Simulation:https://www.edx.org/course/stochastic-processes-data-analysis-kyotoux-009x]] 
--- Week 0
--- Week 1
--- Week 2
--- Week 3
--- Week 4
--- Week 5
--- Week 6

*** Part 2 [#k8540599]

- Text Book: "Soft Matter Physics", Masao Doi (Oxford University Press) ISBN:978-0-19-965295-2 [ [[Amazon:https://www.amazon.co.jp/Soft-Matter-Physics-English-Masao-ebook/dp/B00EZB5442/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1569810638&refinements=p_27%3AMasao+Doi&s=english-books&sr=1-1&text=Masao+Doi]] ]
-- Chapter 9: Flow and deformation of soft metter
-- Chapter 10: Ionic soft metter