
Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the Alder transition will be held in Kanazawa in 29-30 November 2007.

In 1957, the celebrated letters were published in Nov.issue of J.Chem.Phys on the first paper of solid/fluid transition by Alder's molecular dynamics & Wood Monte Carlo simulation. These papers provide not only new methodology on molecular simulation but also made significant influence on the statistical mechanics of many body problem, especially liquid theory.


(provided by Kanazawa city)


Nov. 28 Welcome Banquet
Nov. 29-30 Symposium


Welcity Kanazawa (Ishikawa Kousei Nenkin Kaikan) (4-17-1, Ishibiki Kanazawa, Ishikawa, 920-0935, Japan, Tel. +81-76-222-0011)

Symposium Poster

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Main Topics

Hard Sphere Molecular Dynamics
Alder Transition & Glass transition
Long time tail and transport phenomena
Computational Statistical Physics

Important Date

Oct. 19, DEADLINE for Resigtration
Oct. 26, DEADLINE for Abstract

Call for papers

Abstract Templete (Word(doc))

Proceedings will be published.

Registration and Attendance fees:

6000 Yen (student 2000 Yen)
(including coffee breaks & book of abstracts & snak dinner & local faciliteies)
Publication of proceedings will be optional
(which will cost around additional 10,000 Yen (not fixed).)

Invited Speakers

Berni J. Alder (California)
Kyozi Kawasaki (Fukuoka)

Organizing Committee

Yasuaki Hiwatari(Kanazawa, Chair)
Masaharu Isobe(Nagoya, Co-Chair)
Hisao Hayakawa(Kyoto)
Nobuyasu Ito(Tokyo)
Shinichi Miura(Kanazawa)
Hiroshi Watanabe(Nagoya)
Ryoichi Yamamoto(Kyoto)

Sponsers & Supporting Institutions

The Molecular Simulation Society of Japan
The Physical Society of Japan (to be confirmed)
Department of Computational Science, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University (to be confirmed)

Contact Address

Masaharu Isobe (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-8555 Japan

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