* Home Page of Ryoichi Yamamoto [#l778ad2c]
Present Post:
- Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering,
Kyoto University, PhD
Area of Expertise:
- Transport Phenomena of Complex Fluids
- Computational Science for Soft Matter / Active Matter
Brief CV:
- Born in Kanazawa, Japan [1965]
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Kobe University [1984-1988 Received Bachelor's Degree]
- Honda Motor Company, Wako Research Laboratory [1988-1989]
- Division of Chemical Engineering, Graduate school of Engineering, Kobe University [1990-1992 Received Master's Degree]
- Division of Molecular Engineering, Graduate school of Engineering, Kyoto University [1992-1994, Received PhD in 1996]
- Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University [1994-1996]
- Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics, Kyoto University [1996-1999]
- Lecturer at the Department of Physics, Kyoto University [2000-2004]
- Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University [2004-2008]
- Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University [2008-Present]
Concurrent Posts:
- Guest Research Fellow at the Institute for Solid State Physics, Tokyo University [2004]
- PRESTO Research fellow, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) [2002-2006]
- CREST MSS Project Leader, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) [2006-2012]
- Guest Professor at the Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo University [2017-2019]
Licenses and Certifications:
- TOEIC English Communication Test: 920 (m.m.990) [2015]
- Japanese national license for a Guide-interpreter (English) [2016]
- Completed "Academic Teaching Excellence" British Council in Tokyo [2017]
- Kyoto Ux-009x (edX) "[[Stochastic Processes: Data Analysis and Computer Simulation:https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:KyotoUx+009x+1T2017/info]]" [2017]
Study and Research Abroad:
- Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany [1993-1994]
- Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska, USA [1996, 1997]
- Department of Physics, University of Maintz, Germany [1999]
- The Chemistry Department, University of Cambridge, UK [2000-2001]
- Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA [2002, 2003]
- Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, USA [2004]
- Laboratoire des Colloides, Verres et Nanomateriaux, Universite Montpellier II, France [2005]
- Japanese-American Frontiers of Science ([[JAFoS:http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-jafos/]]), Invited Speaker [2002]
- The Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, Research Award [2002]
- Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation, Research Encouragement Award [2006]
*** Contact [#w85b2e34]
Department of Chemical Engineering&br;
Kyoto University&br;
Kyoto 615-8510, Japan&br;
TEL +81-(0)75-383-2661&br;
FAX +81-(0)75-383-2651&br;
Email: ryoichi_(at)_cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp &br;
URL: http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp &br;